Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Zuni Camp

We traveled to Zuni today to observe the sports camp put on by American Indian Missions Inc. Southwest. Roger and Monty are two great Christian guys I have been blessed to meet in the adventure of building a sports camp. They have been putting on a Christian camp in Zuni for several years now, and we went down to see how they did things. The Zuni take pride in preserving their culture and religion, so presenting the Gospel there is difficult. Pray that doors will be opened and that the hearts of the youth there will be drawn to the truth of the Gospel. The camp lasts three days from 9 to 3. They are doing another camp at another Pueblo, but they have already been told that they can only have two days of camp because their traditional ceremonies start on Saturday. The tribe also said they may not be allowed to pass out Bibles at the end of camp. (They always give the campers a tee shirt and Bible.) Pray that the camp goes well-it is the first ever Christian camp in the Pueblo- and that Bibles can be passed out as well.

In news closer to home, we had youth group last night. We are going through the first few chapters of John, and are currently on John 3. We have discussed the Gospel and its meaning. For some of the kids, this is new stuff. They have heard of Jesus before, but when you start talking about having a personal relationship with Christ, several did not understand what I was talking about. Even the youth that go to our church are not reading their Bibles regularly! Pray that the seed sown will get watered and produce fruit- for salvation and a deeper relationship with their Savior.

We covered the verse in John 3:27- "A man can receive only what is given him from heaven." I thought immediately of our personal situation. I shared with the group what happened with my job and why we chose to go to Crownpoint. When I look at this verse and others from Scripture, I can have peace in the midst of our confusing situation. I shared all this with the youth, trying to get them to see how God is sovereign. We are in the midst of an exciting journey, but at times we feel very weary and confused. I cannot imagine going through this without God though, and we are so thankful for the promises in Scripture. I am getting used to the idea that God has a new plan and He will reveal it to us as we need to know- I just need to follow through with what He has shown us to do!

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