Thursday, June 16, 2011

Last day at Zuni Camp

We went to Zuni this afternoon to watch the end of camp.  I was able to have a good discussion with Monty about using the camp method to share the Gospel.  He showed me the Bible they were going to give the students.   It was a sports themed New Testament, full of pictures of athletes and their testimonies.   When the kids got them, they immediately started to look through them.   It was great to see!   Yesterday Roger presented the Gospel and several kids responded. 

I listened to a sermon on discipleship the other day and want to share what I learned.  Platt was talking about how the Gospel spread in the book of Acts.   God used ordinary people. I especially liked the passage in Acts 8 that tells us that the Christians scattered after the death of Stephen.  The apostles stayed in Jerusalem, but the rest scattered.  That means that the Gospel was mainly spread by ordinary folks like me and you. If they could do this, why don't we? It was a convicting reminder.  I am praying for more boldness in sharing the Gospel.  I am looking forward to the opportunity this Friday at movie night,  but am also a little fearful of not doing my best for the Lord.  I sometimes get nervous as I share and I just want to be sure I am clear.

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