This past Friday was supposed to be our first summer movie at the bball courts at St. Bon. But on Thursday the winds blew into our state and they made it impossible to do the movie. (our screen is 10x20 feet and would make a great sail!) Some of the kids were disappointed, but I told them that we would have to do the movie some other time. We played a game of basketball instead and had a great time. It's amazing the impact we are having on the kids- they love playing with us-especially the little ones! The older students I have taught also enjoy the time of hanging out and playing ball....
All of this got me to thinking about plans. I know what it says in James, and I usually acknowledge the final say is the Lord's. But therein lies the key. I like to make plans and I know that as faithful servants we should make plans for the Glory of our Lord. I know that the events at the courts we have planned and the CEF clubs are in God's will. But the timing is another question. As we look at moving to Crownpoint, it's easy to start making more plans about doing things for the Lord. But the other night I came across this gem in Ecclesiastes. (I started reading through this book in my quiet time.) So here it is-
Ecclesiastes 5:2-Don't be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.
At the time that I read it, I immediately thought of my prayer life and the need to shut up and just listen to the Lord instead of always talking. But I think it also applies to my desire to plan. I have such a limited perspective and I need to be careful about plans- even those that seem to be for or from God. Ultimately it comes down to planning and timing, but I am learning to be more flexible on the timing. In my mind I can easily see how sellng the house, moving to Crownpoint and starting new ministry there is a great plan. But it may be that God has something different and better in store. I just need to be still and obey. I am not saying that I shouldn't plan-just that I am learning to be much more careful as I do it. It's a great lesson but one that I am in the middle of learning.
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