Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Here we are...

Hello and welcome to our blog! We wanted to create a place where folks could keep up with the exciting events going on out here in NM. Much has happened in the last few days.

God is leading us in a new direction, and we are not sure yet how things are going to pan out. We praise the Lord that Matt has a job, but moving to Crownpoint was not part of our plan. It is exciting thinking about what God is doing and the opportunities Crownpoint will present.

For those that do not know, Crownpoint is further into the Navajo Reservation. It's about 30 miles north of Thoreau on highway 371. That means it's about 60 miles from Gallup and 80 miles from Farmington. It is a city larger than Thoreau composed mainly of government housing. There is great ministry opportunity here. Unfortunately, we don't live there yet, so it will mean an hour commute until we sell our house.

On Thursday of last week, I was given a choice of where to work- Gallup or Crownpoint. We chose Crownpoint because we believe there is more ministry opportunity there. It's just that we thought we would be moving to the St. Bon trailer park. We had it all planned out and now it appears God has other plans. It is exciting and scary to be in a position of following God one step at a time. But that is where He wants us for the time being.

Well, I am writing this kinda late and this is all new to me. I am going to end for now and try to add more details tomorrow. We are going to Crownpoint tomorrow, so I will try to get some pictures for everyone. Good night and God bless!

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