Sunday, June 26, 2011

San Angleo and Idaho groups arrived safely

Both groups arrived this evening.  We were able to visit with them for an hour or so.  There are 27 kids and 9 adults.  Please pray for us all.  Some things to keep before our Lord- 1.Unity- that everyone works toward the common goal of reaching the Lost and glorifying God in all we do.   2. Safety- one project involves tearing off a roof and fixing it.   We want everyone to be safe at work and the VBS'S.  3. Me- I am in charge of organizing the work projects and getting them completed.  I will need help to get the work done and wisdom in placing kids in the right project for them to work on.  4. The youth-that they will see how great it is to be used of God; that this trip may even produce kids willing to enter full time missions. Thanks for all your support!  Together God is using us all for His glory.

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