Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The "Read this..." page is finished for now!

I am not sure how many of you have noticed, but on the right side of the blog, there is a page that says: "Read this to understand what started us on our latest journey with the Lord". (If you use a phone to access my site and see the mobile version of the blog, it is the second tab at the top of the page.) Well, that page is finally complete. We wanted to give a brief overview of the last year or so of our life, and that page is designed to let any newbies get caught up to speed on our exciting journey with the Lord. (No offense if you are new to the site!) Please drop us an email or comment if you have any questions or suggestions! I am learning how to do this blog stuff on the go (literally- I use the wife's phone for it all), so this will always be a work in progress. We pray this blog can be a tool to inform others about the great need out here and to let you all see how God is working! Good night!

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