Join the Team!

This is going to be a little long, but please understand why- we want folks like you to be informed about how you can partner with NICS and BAIS to impact the world for Christ.  We don’t want to make it easy to just give without thinking.  We want you to understand the need and how you can help.  Ultimately, support is not about money; God owns it all.  He doesn’t need our help.  But support is about obedience.  God calls us all to follow him, and we are commanded to pray for each other.  And that’s our greatest need- prayer.  Pray often.  Pray specifically. Pray expecting God to do great things.  As we pray and seek our Lord, he may ask each of us to do more.  This still does not have to be about writing a check!  We are commanded to encourage one another.  With modern technology this is so easy, yet so often neglected.  Would you like to be a part of what God is doing through NICS and BAIS here in Indonesia?  Send an email.  Call us!  Life away from family and friends can get lonely.  It is so encouraging to get a call from a friend, or even an email.  Perhaps that’s what God is calling you to do! (no pun intended!)  Finally, God may be asking you to give financially.  We want you to know about our financial needs- not so you feel guilty and give, but so you can pray with us.  

First off, we get paid for working at BAIS.  It’s a job, and it’s a ministry.  We are able to live on our income, but we are not able to save for other large expenses or ministry needs.  A need we have coming up in a year or so is tickets home to the States.  It will cost close to $7,000 to fly home.  We plan on coming home the summer of 2014.  After that, we are not sure how often we will visit the States.  We don’t feel at this time that we can justify that kind of expense each year, even though it would be great to visit family and friends (like you) each summer!  

So we need support for travel to the States, or even travel to other parts of Indonesia.  We also need support for our favorite activity- ministry to others!  We go to the local village and play soccer, help fund work projects, or buy extra groceries for baking classes or meals with neighbors.  The goal of all these activities is to build relationships so that we can share the truth and love of Christ. By giving financially, you can help us do things locally that we could not afford to do on our own.  If you want more specifics on how financial support is spent, we would be happy to call you or converse through emails.  

Secondly, as missionaries for NICS, we don’t want money given directly to us. The money should be given to NICS who then disburses it to us. Here’s what our staff manual has to say about the issue of giving-

"You need to be aware that you are raising money for NICS that will, with Board approval, send it on to support your ministry. In all your communication with donors, please be clear that the money is being given to NICS.
The IRS has expressed concern to all nonprofit organizations when donors indicate an individual’s name on the check. The IRS wants to make certain that the gift is made to NICS for that person’s ministry, and is not merely a personal gift for a particular person.
In order to legally issue a tax‐deductible receipt, checks must be made payable to “Network of International Christian Schools” or “NICS.” To assure that your gifts are deductible, please do not put the missionary’s name on the check (you may put the missionary’s project number on the check). You can still indicate your preference for where your gift is used on a separate note."

If you believe God is leading you to help support the work through NICS, please do so. We want you to prayerfully consider what you should give and then follow through in obedience to God. Then please let us know so that we can thank you, pray for you, and begin a partnership that will turn into a wonderful relationship that we can both benefit from! God bless you, and thanks for taking the time to read this!

Our email-
Our Skype number (it’s based in NM so most of you with a cell phone would not have roaming or long distance charges) 1 505 906 6008

There are three ways to express support- click on the one you would like to do....

Thanks so much for reading this and considering supporting the work of NICS- through prayer, encouragement, or financial support.  May God richly bless you as you seek to follow Him.  
-Matt, Erin, Kadin, and Jace

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