Saturday, June 25, 2011

Calm before the Storm

This past week has been a little slow.  I entered my last post enroute to Colorado.  We went there for some rest and more importantly to pick up our oldest, Kadin, who had gone up earlier to spend some time with Grandparents.  We spent a couple of days there and got home yesterday.  Today was a church cleanup day in preparation for the two groups coming tomorrow.  Next week will be busy- and we need prayer support.  We will be doing three VBS's- two at St. Bon and one at Don and Norma's house near Prewitt, NM. (Prewitt is about 10 miles east of Thoreau and Don and Norma go to Crosslands.)  Two churches are coming out-our home church from San Angelo and a group from a church in Idaho.  They should arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon.  There will be about 30 kids together with their sponsors. In addition to the VBS's, we will be doing several work projects at the church.  Please pray for the Gospel to be shared clearly and for safety as the kiddos work.  Many have not swung a hammer before, so the work projects are always fun!  Pray too for Spiritual protection and provision.  We can do nothing without the Lord's help, and we are in enemy territory.  It is our prayer that there be no storm next week, spiritually speaking.  But if the past is any indication, we know trouble may be brewing.   Praise God our Savior is in control of all things!

There will be lots of events going on in the evenings and we hope to be at the St. Bon bball courts many evenings in the coming week.  A movie is planned for Friday as well.   It will be exciting to see how the Lord brings about His plan in the next few days!  

In other news, I have been working on the sports camp idea.   I really need some successful college coaches and high school coaches willing to come out for the camp next year. I still don't have a firm date for next year yet, but I hope to have more concrete plans in place by the end of summer.  Continue to pray for God's leading as I plan and meet with various groups this summer.  We are heading to TBarM in a few weeks and meeting with folks at Denton Bible Church as well.  It becomes harder to plan details for a camp as I get down to specifics-ideas are great to talk about, but I am starting to see specific needs that God is going to have to fulfill-like coach staffing and planning of the actual drills/skills to be taught.  (not to mention funding!)  I am clueless about sports, but just want God to lead. I know He will!  If you know anyone that may be interested in helping with getting a camp going let me know!  

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