Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Joy of Fellowship

One of the things I love about having groups out is the immediate bond that can develop thanks to the common Lord we serve and the same Spirit within us.  We had a great time of worship on Sunday.  Having three groups of worshippers from three states created a glimpse of what heaven would be like.  As the last two days have passed it is neat to see how quickly friendships can form because of our common goal and bond with our Lord.  Mission trips are important because it lets young people see the possibilities that can come about as a result of working together for the Lord.  It has been my prayer that the youth and even the leaders see how there is no better thing to do than serve our Lord.  It is my hope that they realize that nothing else really matters.  It is truly amazing what can be done when Christians decide to purposefully work together.  It's just too bad we don't do it year round!

VBS picture and news

Here's a shot of VBS yesterday afternoon at St. Bon.  Notice the kids playing basketball instead of participating.  Today the kids did not play basketball, so there was one less distraction.  Erin said the youth did better presenting the material today.  On the work side of things, the pastor's carport has a new roof, and the underside is partially painted.  I hope to take pictures of it tomorrow.  The handicap ramp is ready to be formed up, and the youth painted all of the trim around the fellowship hall.  It was a great day.  Today was cloudy this afternoon with it trying to sprinkle- perfect weather for putting on a roof...much cooler than yesterday afternoon.  We thanked God for the cool clouds and wind, but no lightning or rain. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Good first Day.

Today went well.  We got a lot of work accomplished, and each VBS had a good amount of kids show up.  Two men from the Idaho group, Brian and Larry, are experienced contractors, so once things got rolling, fast progress was made.  The only slowdown was our attempt to bust out the existing sidewalk so that we could build a ramp that will lead into the fellowship hall.  The concrete was old but well made, and it took hours to see progress.  But once the kids saw progress they did not want to stop until the whole sidewalk was removed!  Ten tons of gravel were spread on the road leading to the church, all in one day!  And, most importantly, no one was hurt!  The youth are learning how to work various tools and it was fun to work with them all. 

Erin went to the two VBS's at St. Bon today.  She said each VBS had kids, and the youth did well for their first day.

I have a lot more to share, but honestly I am exhausted from today's work, so I am going to go to bed!  (It's 10pm right now.)  Thanks for your prayers!  I will post more tomorrow!

More work pictures

Here's a few of Brian and Larry building the deck...  Both are contractors, thank the Lord!

Work Project Pictures

Here's a few shots of the projects started today. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

San Angleo and Idaho groups arrived safely

Both groups arrived this evening.  We were able to visit with them for an hour or so.  There are 27 kids and 9 adults.  Please pray for us all.  Some things to keep before our Lord- 1.Unity- that everyone works toward the common goal of reaching the Lost and glorifying God in all we do.   2. Safety- one project involves tearing off a roof and fixing it.   We want everyone to be safe at work and the VBS'S.  3. Me- I am in charge of organizing the work projects and getting them completed.  I will need help to get the work done and wisdom in placing kids in the right project for them to work on.  4. The youth-that they will see how great it is to be used of God; that this trip may even produce kids willing to enter full time missions. Thanks for all your support!  Together God is using us all for His glory.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Calm before the Storm

This past week has been a little slow.  I entered my last post enroute to Colorado.  We went there for some rest and more importantly to pick up our oldest, Kadin, who had gone up earlier to spend some time with Grandparents.  We spent a couple of days there and got home yesterday.  Today was a church cleanup day in preparation for the two groups coming tomorrow.  Next week will be busy- and we need prayer support.  We will be doing three VBS's- two at St. Bon and one at Don and Norma's house near Prewitt, NM. (Prewitt is about 10 miles east of Thoreau and Don and Norma go to Crosslands.)  Two churches are coming out-our home church from San Angelo and a group from a church in Idaho.  They should arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon.  There will be about 30 kids together with their sponsors. In addition to the VBS's, we will be doing several work projects at the church.  Please pray for the Gospel to be shared clearly and for safety as the kiddos work.  Many have not swung a hammer before, so the work projects are always fun!  Pray too for Spiritual protection and provision.  We can do nothing without the Lord's help, and we are in enemy territory.  It is our prayer that there be no storm next week, spiritually speaking.  But if the past is any indication, we know trouble may be brewing.   Praise God our Savior is in control of all things!

There will be lots of events going on in the evenings and we hope to be at the St. Bon bball courts many evenings in the coming week.  A movie is planned for Friday as well.   It will be exciting to see how the Lord brings about His plan in the next few days!  

In other news, I have been working on the sports camp idea.   I really need some successful college coaches and high school coaches willing to come out for the camp next year. I still don't have a firm date for next year yet, but I hope to have more concrete plans in place by the end of summer.  Continue to pray for God's leading as I plan and meet with various groups this summer.  We are heading to TBarM in a few weeks and meeting with folks at Denton Bible Church as well.  It becomes harder to plan details for a camp as I get down to specifics-ideas are great to talk about, but I am starting to see specific needs that God is going to have to fulfill-like coach staffing and planning of the actual drills/skills to be taught.  (not to mention funding!)  I am clueless about sports, but just want God to lead. I know He will!  If you know anyone that may be interested in helping with getting a camp going let me know!  

Monday, June 20, 2011

Our plans, God's plans

This past Friday was supposed to be our first summer movie at the bball courts at St. Bon. But on Thursday the winds blew into our state and they made it impossible to do the movie. (our screen is 10x20 feet and would make a great sail!) Some of the kids were disappointed, but I told them that we would have to do the movie some other time. We played a game of basketball instead and had a great time. It's amazing the impact we are having on the kids- they love playing with us-especially the little ones! The older students I have taught also enjoy the time of hanging out and playing ball....

All of this got me to thinking about plans. I know what it says in James, and I usually acknowledge the final say is the Lord's. But therein lies the key. I like to make plans and I know that as faithful servants we should make plans for the Glory of our Lord. I know that the events at the courts we have planned and the CEF clubs are in God's will. But the timing is another question. As we look at moving to Crownpoint, it's easy to start making more plans about doing things for the Lord. But the other night I came across this gem in Ecclesiastes. (I started reading through this book in my quiet time.) So here it is-

Ecclesiastes 5:2-Don't be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.

At the time that I read it, I immediately thought of my prayer life and the need to shut up and just listen to the Lord instead of always talking. But I think it also applies to my desire to plan. I have such a limited perspective and I need to be careful about plans- even those that seem to be for or from God. Ultimately it comes down to planning and timing, but I am learning to be more flexible on the timing. In my mind I can easily see how sellng the house, moving to Crownpoint and starting new ministry there is a great plan. But it may be that God has something different and better in store. I just need to be still and obey. I am not saying that I shouldn't plan-just that I am learning to be much more careful as I do it. It's a great lesson but one that I am in the middle of learning.

Friday, June 17, 2011

CEF Update and other News

Just wanted to let everyone know that CEF is still working on a letter to address the concerns of the school board.   Pray that the club will be allowed into the school.   It would be an amazing opportunity and would open doors for other clubs elsewhere.   May God's will be done!

In other news, Erin is trying to get a couple of youth to go to Broken Arrow Bible Ranch.   It's an small adventure camp run by United Indian Missions. (it's on the way to Zuni- about an hour from here) This coming week is teen week, so it would be a perfect time for the two young ladies to experience a Christian camp.  Pray that all the details can be worked out and that the ladies will meet Christ at the camp.

Our house still has had no takers, so continue to keep its sale in your prayers.  (we are beginning to wonderful if God just wants us to stay put for now!) Thanks to everyone for your interest in events out here and your prayers.   God bless!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Last day at Zuni Camp

We went to Zuni this afternoon to watch the end of camp.  I was able to have a good discussion with Monty about using the camp method to share the Gospel.  He showed me the Bible they were going to give the students.   It was a sports themed New Testament, full of pictures of athletes and their testimonies.   When the kids got them, they immediately started to look through them.   It was great to see!   Yesterday Roger presented the Gospel and several kids responded. 

I listened to a sermon on discipleship the other day and want to share what I learned.  Platt was talking about how the Gospel spread in the book of Acts.   God used ordinary people. I especially liked the passage in Acts 8 that tells us that the Christians scattered after the death of Stephen.  The apostles stayed in Jerusalem, but the rest scattered.  That means that the Gospel was mainly spread by ordinary folks like me and you. If they could do this, why don't we? It was a convicting reminder.  I am praying for more boldness in sharing the Gospel.  I am looking forward to the opportunity this Friday at movie night,  but am also a little fearful of not doing my best for the Lord.  I sometimes get nervous as I share and I just want to be sure I am clear.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The "Read this..." page is finished for now!

I am not sure how many of you have noticed, but on the right side of the blog, there is a page that says: "Read this to understand what started us on our latest journey with the Lord". (If you use a phone to access my site and see the mobile version of the blog, it is the second tab at the top of the page.) Well, that page is finally complete. We wanted to give a brief overview of the last year or so of our life, and that page is designed to let any newbies get caught up to speed on our exciting journey with the Lord. (No offense if you are new to the site!) Please drop us an email or comment if you have any questions or suggestions! I am learning how to do this blog stuff on the go (literally- I use the wife's phone for it all), so this will always be a work in progress. We pray this blog can be a tool to inform others about the great need out here and to let you all see how God is working! Good night!

Zuni Camp

We traveled to Zuni today to observe the sports camp put on by American Indian Missions Inc. Southwest. Roger and Monty are two great Christian guys I have been blessed to meet in the adventure of building a sports camp. They have been putting on a Christian camp in Zuni for several years now, and we went down to see how they did things. The Zuni take pride in preserving their culture and religion, so presenting the Gospel there is difficult. Pray that doors will be opened and that the hearts of the youth there will be drawn to the truth of the Gospel. The camp lasts three days from 9 to 3. They are doing another camp at another Pueblo, but they have already been told that they can only have two days of camp because their traditional ceremonies start on Saturday. The tribe also said they may not be allowed to pass out Bibles at the end of camp. (They always give the campers a tee shirt and Bible.) Pray that the camp goes well-it is the first ever Christian camp in the Pueblo- and that Bibles can be passed out as well.

In news closer to home, we had youth group last night. We are going through the first few chapters of John, and are currently on John 3. We have discussed the Gospel and its meaning. For some of the kids, this is new stuff. They have heard of Jesus before, but when you start talking about having a personal relationship with Christ, several did not understand what I was talking about. Even the youth that go to our church are not reading their Bibles regularly! Pray that the seed sown will get watered and produce fruit- for salvation and a deeper relationship with their Savior.

We covered the verse in John 3:27- "A man can receive only what is given him from heaven." I thought immediately of our personal situation. I shared with the group what happened with my job and why we chose to go to Crownpoint. When I look at this verse and others from Scripture, I can have peace in the midst of our confusing situation. I shared all this with the youth, trying to get them to see how God is sovereign. We are in the midst of an exciting journey, but at times we feel very weary and confused. I cannot imagine going through this without God though, and we are so thankful for the promises in Scripture. I am getting used to the idea that God has a new plan and He will reveal it to us as we need to know- I just need to follow through with what He has shown us to do!

Picture from camp

Here's a shot from the camp... Zuni has one of the best gyms I have seen in a long time!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A lesson from Kadin

Erin and I were talking this evening and she related this story to me... (This is when they went to St. Bon for Friday basketball.) 
Kadin walked up to a friend at the court and basked, "Have you been doing what I talked to you about last week?" (Kadin puts his arm on the kid's shoulder)  "Have you been obeying God's laws?" (Reading your Bible and obeying your mommy and daddy)  "You do have a Bible right?"  The kid did not know quite how to respond!
We have been going to the basketball court at St. Bon on Fridays for four weeks now.  Our two kids look forward to going and Kadin sees it as a chance to tell others about Jesus. (Which it is!)  God taught us a great lesson through our son tonight- his eagerness to share God's love and follow-through was touching.  Christ was right-we must come to him as children and be willing to keep that obedient spirit- to talk with others about spiritual matters as a part of normal conversation.  Erin and I walked in obedience when we started doing this Friday night thing.  We knew we wanted to reach others for God's glory.  The amazing thing is the unexpected impact it has had on our two sons. 
There were about 40 kids there tonight, and it is exciting to think about the relationships being formed and where God will lead from there!  We just wanted to pass on this little story.  It's not about making big plans to reach others.  It's about being obedient in the small things and letting God use us (and in this case, Kadin) in normal activities to show his love and concern for the lost.

Here are some more shots of the Crownpoint area

Just wanted to put up a few more pictured of the area we may be move to

Friday, June 10, 2011


A school board member called Erin to let her know that the cef proposal has been "tabled" due to unfounded worries about having religious club in the school. Ed-the director-will be looking into the legal aspects of this to alleviate their worries. Pray that fear doesn't win out. Thanks

Thursday, June 9, 2011

They presented

Norma and Erin presented the CEF program to the board... Now they will discuss the proposal amongst themselves.  Pray that God moves in the hearts of the members-some of whom are Christian-and that His will be done!

Pray for Erin and Norma

We are trying to get a CEF club going at the Bureau of Indian Education school in Prewitt.  The have already met with the pricipal, and this morning they go before the school board for final approval.  The meeting starts at 8:30.  Pray that we can get this club going for the coming year.  It would be the first on in the federal school system!  God is working! 

Crownpoint Mid School and high school field

Went to Crownpoint today

We went to my classroom today and moved almost all of my stuff into my new room. We were able to meet several workers as we moved my stuff in-the janitors were cleaning my room-and we had a nice visit. We took some pictures of Crownpoint and as soon as I figure out how to post them I will.

We are still praying for God's will as we consider the various options surrounding my job relocation. Please pray with us. I am praying for peace as we make the right decision. It is hard to move to Crownpoint and still see how God will work in the lives of the youth we are just starting to reach. We are seeking His will concerning these concerns. I know God has a plan and that we don't want to be forcing our way over His. We will follow one step at a time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Here we are...

Hello and welcome to our blog! We wanted to create a place where folks could keep up with the exciting events going on out here in NM. Much has happened in the last few days.

God is leading us in a new direction, and we are not sure yet how things are going to pan out. We praise the Lord that Matt has a job, but moving to Crownpoint was not part of our plan. It is exciting thinking about what God is doing and the opportunities Crownpoint will present.

For those that do not know, Crownpoint is further into the Navajo Reservation. It's about 30 miles north of Thoreau on highway 371. That means it's about 60 miles from Gallup and 80 miles from Farmington. It is a city larger than Thoreau composed mainly of government housing. There is great ministry opportunity here. Unfortunately, we don't live there yet, so it will mean an hour commute until we sell our house.

On Thursday of last week, I was given a choice of where to work- Gallup or Crownpoint. We chose Crownpoint because we believe there is more ministry opportunity there. It's just that we thought we would be moving to the St. Bon trailer park. We had it all planned out and now it appears God has other plans. It is exciting and scary to be in a position of following God one step at a time. But that is where He wants us for the time being.

Well, I am writing this kinda late and this is all new to me. I am going to end for now and try to add more details tomorrow. We are going to Crownpoint tomorrow, so I will try to get some pictures for everyone. Good night and God bless!