Sunday, February 26, 2012

A lesson of Perspective

Today we went to the old house as a family.  I needed to prime the kids' playroom.  (We had painted the room when Kadin was about 18 months old - the room has a mural on one wall, and the other walls were bright orange, red, yellow, and blue.) We spent most of the day there.  After cleaning up, it hit me how much we loved this place.  I started to tear up as I was locking the gate.  On the drive to Crownpoint, Erin and I were talking, and it hit me- here I am crying over a place that we lived at for 12 years.  It's a place full of wonderful memories.  Yet Christ left heaven to come and die for me.  If it hurts to leave an earthly home that I have only occupied for a few years, what must it have been like for Christ to leave the ultimate home?  Thanks for the lesson, Lord.  Thanks for leaving perfection to save your enemies.

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