Saturday, February 18, 2012

Move update

Just a quick note on what is going on -

Tomorrow, we move 99% of our stuff.  We will leave a few tools so I can work at the house, but from now on we will basically be living in Crownpoint. 

The house will close sometime in early March, Lord willing.  There have been a few changes to how financing may be arranged, so we have a few more details to work out. 

Please pray for the following:
-the final survey to be completed early next week
-the coming appraisal, on February 24th, to be completed without any surprises or needed repairs.  (what the bank thinks is needed, and reality often differ)
-for the kids as we transition.  We gave Blue, our dog away today, and it was difficult.
-for the house to close on or before March 7th
-for our passport stuff to get in and going
-for Erin and I as we move to be sensitive to needs and each other (this is mainly for me ;-))

Thanks to all who have helped, or will help tomorrow.  Thanks for all the prayers as well.  Things are moving along, but God is teaching us patience in the process!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Blue. I'd forgotten that aspect of having to me - finding good homes for the animals.
