Friday, February 10, 2012

The story is out.

I was able to talk to my principal today about our plans to go to Indonesia.  I was hoping to wait until the house sale closed, but word was starting to spread and I did not want her to hear the news from someone else.  The conversation went well.  Since I told my boss, Erin posted a note on Facebook, so now news can really spread! 

If you are interested, the organization we are going with is called Network of International Christian Schools,  The actual school website is (Bandung Alliance International School).  I would encourage you to look at those sites for more information.  Please don't hesitate to contact us as well, but for those really curious, there's the web info.

In other news, we got to go and see our two bedroom teacher housing today after school.  The boys loved running around the empty house as Erin and I checked it out.  Our hope is to be moved in over the next couple of weeks.

Finally, I want to close with some specifics that we need prayer over.  We would love to pray for you all as well, so shoot us an email! 
-pray for the details of the house sale to wrap up in the next few days.  We've had the septic inspected, but the final report has not made.  We don't forsee any issues, but the inspection has to be completed before the last detail, a survey, can be ordered.  Erin and I would love to be out in the next week.  We will see what God has planned!
-pray for us as we get passports completed and start the next phase of the transition to Indonesia.  This will involve getting visas, and raising support.  We need prayer support primarily, but practically, we will need financial support as well.  At this point we don't know how much...  We just know my job will pay for most of our needs.
-we are telling our story to our church family this Sunday, and please pray that God could use our experience to challenge others to live sacrificially for Christ.  We are just two unworthy servants that want to encourage others to walk with Christ as well. 
-lastly, a praise- Mrs. Soltero is cancer free and has gone back to work.  We are excited to see how she has become a testimony of God's provision and grace.  We pray that she remains cancer free. 

I don't plan on posting every day, but we wanted to give out some more details about the journey.  I posted a separate page on the blog as an attempt to explain how this whole process came to fruition.  God bless, and have a good night! 

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