Friday, March 2, 2012

A story of God's timing

Here's another example of God's timing vs my timing...
It's a little long, but I learned another great lesson.

On February 21st, we found out Erin's birth certificate was finally on its way.  We checked the mail, but it never came. By the beginning of this week, I was starting to worry that it was lost or something.  I had tried the tracking number, but the system always said it could not be found.  On Monday night I awoke at 2:30am worried that someone had gotten Erin's certificate.  I looked up the number again online, and this time I put the right sequence of spaces between the letters and numbers.  Lo and behold, the Internet showed the package to be sitting at the Crownpoint post office since February 23rd! Well, now I worry that it will be sent back to Texas because the address is wrong and the online notice said it was undeliverable.  I am wondering how I can get the birth certificate when I have work in a few hours later. I confessed my sinful worrying and asked God for peace.  I literally said to God: "I can't do this -all this worrying is going to make it impossible to go to Indonesia! " By now Erin is up, wondering why (or what) I am worrying about this time.  A little while later, I hear thunder and see a flash of light.  The wind picks up and snow starts coming down in waves.  I wonder, is God going to provide a delayed day so I can get the birth certificate at the post office?  Perhaps I could even get a snow day!  Can you guess what happened?  School was delayed by 6:20am, and by 8:30, it was canceled.  I had already gone to the post office, told the story of our going to Indonesia, and been back home.  We waited another half hour, and decided to head to Albuquerque.  With the snow day, we could go and get our passports sent off.  So in less than 12 hours, God provides the birth certificate and a way of getting the passports completed in one day!  I had my plans, and God has His timing.  Once again I learned to stop worrying and let God do his thing.  Pray with me that I remember this lesson the next time I awaken to a fresh set of worries!

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