Well, tonight we are on our second night at the Crownpoint house. We are mostly moved in, with just some minor rearranging left to do, thanks to Erin's hard work. We went to our house at the lake this afternoon to check on the animals and the house in general. It's kinda weird going back to your house and seeing all the empty rooms! We await the appraisal this week, and Lord willing, the deal will be wrapped up in time for our trip to Texas over spring break. (March 7th is closing)
We can see how God is preparing us a step at a time for whatever is next. We have eliminated much of our possessions in preparation for a huge yard sale. It's the kids' stuff that will be hardest to go through-for a variety of reasons. We have about three months at this location, and then off to spend time with family. Erin and I were talking this afternoon about how temporary housing changes your perspective on a whole host of things. It is a gift to be able to see how fleeting our chance to serve Christ is; We aren't guaranteed tomorrow, yet we plan like we will live 60 years before we see our Savior. That's not to say we should not plan, but Erin and I are realizing a change in our perspective and we thank God for working with us in baby steps.
Continue to pray for our family- the boys like the house one minute and the next minute they want to go back to the old house...
Pray for me to finish my job well at school
Jace is sick currently, pray for his quick recovery and for us all to stay healthy. We have much to do, and there's much we could worry about. Pray for us to simply trust and obey. Pray that we would focus on quality time with our Savior and family and that we would not allow circumstances to steal our joy:)
Hopefully in the next day or so we can upload some pictures of Crownpoint...
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