As we go through with the move and sale, we notice that it's the little things that make a difference. The teacher housing doesn't have carpet; Kadin noticed that right away. Pray for Kadin- the move has been hard for him. It makes us wonder what the next step will be like. It is hard enough for us as adults; we wonder what Kadin is thinking and feeling as we pack stuff in "sell now piles" and "keep until later" piles. At least I can see them at lunch though! Another "little" thing that makes a difference. It takes four minutes to walk to the teacherage; forty-five to drive to our soon to be old house. (Lord willing!) Today, we got word that the septic inspection passed. We decided to focus on praying about it this morning, and it all worked out. Another "little " thing! God is so gracious. My "little"sins are forgiven and that is no little thing at all! Thanks for your prayers; they may seem little, but they aren't.
Praying for you guys. Especially Kadin. Give our love to him and Jace.