Friday, March 16, 2012

Less Stress and a question...

Now that the house has sold, we can see how much stress its pending sale was causing in our lives.  That's not to say it was all we focused on, but with the closing being rescheduled several times, it did take up much of our thoughts, prayers, and time. We are so grateful that God has seen fit to clear the way for our going overseas.  Now we can focus on a whole new set of issues and questions! 

Here's a question for you: If you were going to a country where you could not purchase Christian music, what 5 songs would you put on your Mp3 player/iPod? 

We don't know how restrictive the Internet will be in Indonesia, but we wanted to get some songs loaded on our Mp3 player just the same.   There have been many songs that have been an encouragement to us lately, and we would love to hear suggestions from you all!   Thanks for your help! 

1 comment:

  1. I'd probably do songs from Natalie Grant, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, and NeedtoBreathe, plus one more. I don't know which one specifically from each artist, since there are lots I love, but those would be the ones I go to first.
