Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pray with us as we make a final decision

Hello everyone! Erin and I went to my room at Crownpoint yesterday. We were able to start organizing my stuff and laying out the classroom.  It was a productive day.

This morning I began planning work on the camp.  I wanted to share specifically what I am thinking about and bringing before our Lord.
We are prayerfully considering two options.

Option 1- Two weeks of camp. Week one would be a basketball skills camp for older youth. (Ages mid-high school)  The camp would focus on basketball, but with skits and "huddle time", where the drills taught would be tied back to what the Scripture and the Gospel teaches.  Week 2 would be a camp for the younger kids in the community.  It would be a sampler pack-with various sports taught throughout the week.  Having a second week of camp would allow us to reach all ages in the first summer of camp. 

Option 2- we would just have camp for one week next summer.  It would be the basketball skills camp and target the older youth. (It would be like option one without the second week for the younger kids.) 

I am personally leaning towards the first option.  But I don't know how to do one week of camp let alone two!  I am also aware of what Johnny Polk and others at T Bar M said- "Don't over-promise and underdeliver."  Our God is able to more than we can think or imagine, so I am struggling with the choice that must be made soon.  Now that you have read this post, you can pray more specifically for us.  Comments through the blog or by email would be greatly appreciated.  I am at the point of actually planning what an overall day of camp would look like and identifying needs- like skit curriculum and props.  But before we can plan more thoroughly, we have to make a decision and start reserving the necessary facilities.  So we are at the point of needing prayer before we make the final decision.  Thanks for your help!

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