Monday, July 11, 2011

The blessing of Fellowship

We were at Angelo Bible Church this morning.  Jim's brother in law gave an update about the work going on in Kenya.  (Jim's sister and husband, Kevin, are missionaries over there.)  It was great to hear about the work God is doing in Kenya.  We serve such a great and wonderful Saviour!  We talked with Kevin after the service and discussed the possibility of having a mission trip from Crosslands go to Kenya.  I don't know how our church members could afford the plane tickets, but it would be amazing to have Christians from African and American tribes meet and share what God is doing among their people. Won't heaven be an awesome place- with people from every tongue and tribe there!

While at church, I was asked to share what God was doing in our neck of the woods.  It was a blessing to be able to share the TBarM and CEF news.  Erin and I count ourselves blessed to be in the position we find ourselves in.  We have our questions and concerns, but we know God will reveal His will as we need to know it.

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