Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today got me thinking about the connections or relationships God puts in our lives.  Think about the wisdom, insight, and planning it would take to produce the network of Christians needed to work together to get the various tasks God ordained from the beginning of time to be done.  As Erin and I have embarked on getting the camp thing going and CEF, it has become obvious that we could have done nothing without the contacts/relationships (connections) that God has developed (in fact, preordained).  And I am not just talking about our own friendships- I am simply recognizing the fact that without the relationships from parents, friends, coworkers, etc, the work we are trying to accomplish for the kingdom would be impossible.   Yet it is only possible because our God is in sovereign control of ALL things.  It makes you rethink those relationships you are developing or already have.  We know there are no coincidences, and that includes the people God puts us in contact with.  It's going to be amazing to see where our Lord takes us from here!  Erin and I had a great visit with Nancy today, and I had a great visit with a coach interested in the camp.  Nancy pointed out how there are so many inroads already prepared that can become resources for the camp.  My friend Rory basically affirmed the same thing- the camp idea is doable; we just need to follow, obey, and trust the Lord.  It's going to be amazing to see how God uses current and future relationships to accomplish His will.  What a privilege to be a part of it all!  How important it is for us all as Christians to be about developing relationships (even producing disciples).  It is the relationships we have that God works through to accomplish His will for His glory.   If we refuse to go out and build relationships (with believers and unbelievers), what are we telling our Lord?  Let's pursue our relationships on all fronts- for the kingdom work won't be done without it!

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