I have been reading through the book of Judges lately, but for the last two nights I accidentally put in the book of Joshua when I enter the verses in my Bible program. Since this was the second or third night I did this, I figured maybe I should read where I had accidentally turned to in Scripture. It was Joshua 3-4, the story of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River on dry ground. How amazing to have a river at flood stage simply stop flowing to allow God’s people to cross to the other side. I think how amazing, yet to God this is nothing.
Today we ordered our prayer cards. For the last day, we had been sending back various tweaks to the card. We had probably looked at our prayer card about 4 times before Erin okayed the final version. Then while at McDonald’s in Gallup (can anyone go to Gallup and not go to McD’s?) we got on my computer and looked more closely at the card. Honestly, I was not sure why I brought the computer in, but I figured I could do some email stuff, so I logged on to our Gmail account. Erin wanted to look at the card one last time. We looked at the verse on the card and realized the reference was backwards. We were horrified! We had just bought 500 cards that now had Joshua 5:22 instead of Joshua 22:5 as our verse on the card. We called and left a message, and then sent an email, hoping that the printing could be stopped. I told Erin not to worry and that God knew this would happen, but that was little comfort in the moment, especially as we looked and realized I had switched the numbers on the first email we sent. (I have a little dyslexia, and it showed up when I sent off the verse…) We prayed in Walmart’s parking lot (our next stop- can anyone go to Gallup and NOT go to Wally World??) I said, “God, you knew this would happen before we were born. We just want to learn the lesson you are trying to teach us. You own the cattle on a thousand hills, so the money is not an issue to you, but we would like to be good stewards of what you have given us. Work this out for your glory.”
About 5 hours later, we receive an email from the prayer card company. The lady said it was no problem. She was going to print the cards in the morning, so she could easily make the changes. Amazing, huh? Should we have been amazed? The God that stops rivers from flowing also keeps prayer cards from being printed too soon. God truly does work all things together for our good and his glory. I thought I would share the story with you all. We learned a lot- to not worry, to trust, to pray for God’s will to be done. While I am sure we will have many more lessons to learn, this was really cool one to share. Don’t be discouraged when things seem to be out of control or crazy. God is just giving us a chance to see his glory and for us to glorify him.
And that was just one lesson God prepared for us today! I can tell you more later! Blessings! -mekj
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