Sunday, April 1, 2012

Indonesia update

That's the title of the new email list we finally composed - Indonesia update.  We are still adding some names to the list and fixing bad email addresses.  We just completed going through 19 pages of contacts, trying to consolidate and update our lists of family and friends.  So we would like to welcome everyone to the group!

As far as news goes, we had our second sale this morning.  The boys and I hung out at the church while Erin was away at a woman's conference.  We had a fun time at the church.  When folks weren't around looking at what we had to sell, we played outside (toy diggers in the dirt) or chased each other around the property (daddy is an infected zombie that must eat brains).  We even managed to catch our first lizard of the season!  (it promptly bit Kadin)  The boys and I had so much fun, we stayed around till 5pm.  The sale went well, although we still have about half of our stuff to get rid of... 

We are proud of the boys - they helped pick out the toys to sell today, and they only got upset once as some of their former possessions walked out the door.  (most of that was due to their being tired)  Kadin has said he wants other kids to have fun with the toys he has enjoyed.  Pretty cool attitude. 

Up this week- Monday is dental work for Kadin, Wednesday we head to Farmington for immunizations.  Please pray for travel safety.  (We will be driving about 400 miles between the two trips.)  Here's what else we are praying for- we are praying for a committed group of prayer partners.  This is our greatest need.  We must have folks willing to intercede for the work going on at BIAS.  Without prayer leading the way, we fall into the trap of thinking we can use our own strength to do what is in reality a spiritual battle.  We are also praying for God’s help in the small things, like travel, visas, schedules, etc.  We want to be more aware of our minute by minute need for our Savior.  And we are praying for financial help to be raised up.  We want to take the approach of Hudson Taylor- he depended upon God to lay the need to support his work on other's hearts.  That is not to say we will not ask for money, but we want to be sure we seek financial help in a way that puts the focus on God working to meet the needs vs. us trying to do the work through our own strength. 

That's it for now.  Thanks so much for those of you who are currently praying for us.  Thanks too for those of you who are new to all of this, but are interested in the work and how you will fit in.  Most of all thanks be to God for giving us this wonderful opportunity to serve him!  Feel free to contact us with any questions or ideas.  If you want this blog post sent directly to your email, let me know and we can do that as well.  (I may repost how to "follow" this blog later...)  God bless and good night!  -mekj

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