Friday, December 9, 2011

Sorry for the delay!

I try to post something every week or so.  Lately I have not been able to do that.  This doesn't mean that there has not been things going on with camp and CEF, but that we are trying to sort through some ideas God has laid on our hearts.  I don't mean to be cryptic, but now (at 10:27 pm)  is not the best time to lay out all the details.  Suffice to say that we covet your prayers as we seek God's direction in our lives.  Erin and I still believe camp should go on, but it is clear that we are in a "be still and wait" period.  This is largely due to one piece of news- our house is off the market, and we are wondering what comes next.  When you step out in faith on something you are sure God wants you to do, and then it doesn't happen as you planned, it makes you hit your knees to humbly seek the Father's guidance.  We are doing that now.  Since we are seeking God's will concerning the house, we figured we would put everything on the table-camp, CEF, where we live or want to live-everything.  For now, we will continue doing what God has already shown us what to do.  (could we do otherwise?)  But we could use some direction concerning specific next steps to take.  I am reading a few books right now, and the author made a great point - "Wanna make God laugh?  Tell him your plans.  Wanna make God cry?  Don't make any plans! " Erin and I don't want to be a part of anything that is simply our desires and not God's.  But practically speaking, we must make plans for camp and CEF.  That's where we are at right now.  Thanks for praying!

Other news- the St. Bon Community dinner went well.  Erin and several folks from the church helped out.  It is clear they don't push the Gospel during the event, but everyone tried to be a joyful witness.  70 turkeys were prepared, but the frigid temps and snow hindered some from showing up. There were still at least 500 or so go through the doors for dinner and gifts.

Mrs. Soltero covets your prayers as well.  While the tumor was removed, there is still some cancer in her bones. Lately she has not been able to keep food down and does not feel very well.  Please continue to pray for her as she battles this disease.  Specifically she wants prayer that her faith not fail during this difficult time. 
I will try to not let so much time pass before the next update!  Thanks for your prayers!

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