Monday, November 21, 2011

More progress

I just wanted to let everyone know that we will be going under ABC as a nonprofit.  This is another answer to prayer. We thank God for his provision. We still have paperwork to finalize, but the folks at ABC have graciously decided to help us in this regard. The goal will be to become an independent organization within two years.  The next steps will be deciding on our name and more importantly, putting a board of directors together.  Pray for us as we seek out members willing to serve in that capacity.  Pray too as we continue to finalize the location.  I have always planned on having the camp in Thoreau, but the gym at Crownpoint is a great location as well.  There is also a gym at St.  Bon, so we are praying for guidance in where exactly we should have the camp. 

In other news, I wanted to let everyone know that Mrs. Soltero is doing fine.  She will be back home on Tuesday, Lord willing.

A couple of prayer requests-
1. CEF - continue to keep the club in your prayers.  There are still only a few kids showing up, and it would be great to see more kids there.  Pray too for workers.  Erin and the ladies can always use more help! 
2. The St. Bon dinner. On December 3rd, the big community dinner will take place.  It's our hope that this can be a chance to share the Gospel and work with others. 

Thank you for your prayers! Have a great Thanksgiving!  God bless! 

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