Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay but it's been a hectic week at school. I am finally starting to get caught up with stuff, so I wanted to let you know what is going on.
CEF- pray for the kids to come; there are less kids than last year. This is okay, but it would be nice to have a few more kiddos. Today five kids were there, and that includes Kadin. But a small group lets them get to know the kids better, so that is okay too. Concerning the possibility of a club at Baca, pray for hearts to change. As it stands right now, we don't have an opening to get the club at the school. We (pastor Jacob and Erin) have decided that suing is not the route to go at this point, but that means we must keep this need before our Lord in prayer. Erin was able to talk with a parent today during the club, and that was a cool development. Progress is being made, but continue to keep the kids and ladies in your prayers. Consistent workers and ones willing to take more of a leadership role are specific requests. Also don't forget Mrs. Soltero- she will be undergoing treatment in California soon.
Camp- ah, where to start? We need a name for our nonprofit organization. Any suggestions? One we are considering is "Mesa Ministries. " Another is "As you, so I. " from John 17:18. We will need an actual name soon, so I would appreciate any ideas! The name would be for the overall ministry, and later we could come up with a cool name for the camp.
Next, coaches. I want to start contacting prospective staffing, and I know some of you have coaching contacts. Let me know about them, or pass on info about this idea and they can contact me. Bottom line: I need Christian coaches that model Christ and love to have fun! I want a ratio of four (possibly five) campers to one coach, so if we plan on fifty kids for the first year I will need about twelve coaches working the camp.
Location- initially we planned to have the camp in Thoreau. I believe we still should. (I sent an email to my former principal today to make sure we could still have the camp at the Thoreau High gym.) But I want us to be praying about the option of moving it to Crownpoint. I have not talked to the principal at the high school in Crownpoint yet, but there is a need for outreach in Crownpoint as well. I want to make sure we pick the location based on God's leading and not necessarily previous plans.
Other thoughts- pray for the board of ABC as they decide about taking us on. Pray too for the folks at T Bar M as they continue to assess their role as well. Pray for me to stay focused on doing camp work each week. In the busyness of life it is easy to put things off till "tomorrow". Specifically, I want to have some letters ready to send out to some potential supporters or advisors, but I need to get them polished and ready to go. (more info to follow at a later date) Finally, pray for my continued protection as I drive to work. A county sheriff hit an elk the other morning as I drove in; he was fine, but it was a reminder of the grace of God. I pray for travel safety daily, and would appreciate your prayers. (by the way, the elk would have been a good trophy- it was a nice 8 point buck...) God is so great to allow us the privilege of serving Him. Thanks for your advice, thoughts, and prayers!
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