Tonight we were praying when Kadin asked God to help the youth to remember to read their Bibles. Every Sunday we meet with the youth and ask the if they have read and spent time with God. Most don't read at all. But tonight, Kadin remembered what we hope the youth remember- the need for them to spend time with God. It's amazing the simple reliance kids have on God. It's too bad we tend to loose that as we get older!
In other news, I wanted to share something God showed me a little over a week ago. I meant to post it last time but remembered only after I finished my last post. I was reading through 2 Corinthians, and right there in chapter 1, verses 8-11 it hit me. I don't think it's a secret that our transition to my new job has been difficult. I am not saying I was as bad off as Paul, but we have been been under a lot of pressure. This passage encouraged me at just the right time. I love how it mentions the reason for the suffering (v. 9) and the role of the prayers of others. It reminded me of everyone that is praying for us. Thank you!
Keep praying for CEF and camp. Specifically prayer for Mrs. Soltero, as she is undergoing treatment for her cancer. She has been advised by the doctor to not go back to work, and I know that must be difficult. CEF meets again this Thursday, and the ladies have a training near Albuquerque in a few weeks. Continue to pray for the kids to be reached through the program. In camp news, we are awaiting feedback from Drew on some documents I have been working on, and the ABC elders are supposed to meet this week and further discuss taking us on as a ministry. I will be contacting a few prospective board members this week, so pray that God guides those conversations and decisions as well.
Lastly, pray for us and our home. It has been almost 7 months, and only two people have looked at the house through the realtor. We have had several more just drop by, but it seems like God is wanting us to simply be still and wait upon Him. The realty contract is up at the end of November, and we are praying about what should be done next.
I hope I don't come across as being negative. We are honored to be used however God sees fit. We want to be sure we are following him, and not trying to fit God into our plans. God is calling us to trust him even more, and we will do all that he asks. God bless, and have YOU spent time with God? ;-)
Praying for you both. Continue to look to our Lord, stay faithful, and "Fight the good fight."