Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Time flies by...once again!

Hi and boy does it "fly by" when you are having fun and are extremely busy:)
We would like to start by saying thank you for your support and prayers through out the year! We weren't meaning for this to be a "yearly" update, but time got away from us. So we will do our best to give some short updates and highlights from the year...
- We started up our Good News Club once a week.  We had anywhere from 15-25 kids every week. So thankful for a teacher who was willing to open up her backyard for this!
- Kadin had his first set of stitches on his leg because he tripped and landed on a rusty old drainage cover lid. Thankfully no infection occurred and he healed quickly.
- BAIS held their first "trunk or treat". We didn't open it up to the community this year because we wanted to see how it would work. It was fun, but a little wet!  It was fun to see all of the cars and motorbikes parked under the awning so they could have the trunks opened up:) Hopefully next year, the community will be invited and this could be used as a witnessing tool:)
- SEW was held at BAIS for three days. This was a time when the school stopped all its "educational" activities and focused directly on the spiritual aspect of life. There were many students who joined our heavenly family during this week! PtL! Matt had the opportunity helping lead a young man to Christ this week as well. It was such a joy to be a part of His work.
- We spent Thanksgiving day in Jakarta with our friends working on getting our Indian visas. It was such a treat to get to have free refills and a yummy hamburger from Karl Jr's as our thanksgiving meal!
- This was a very busy month as it is for most all of you. The boys had their Christmas program and enjoyed performing their musical masterpieces:)
- Once we began our three week break we headed to India with some good friends. It was an amazing experience! We traveled starting from the South and ended up in the North-where we even got to play in the snow! This trip was very uneventful and such a blessing. It really made us appreciate Indonesia once we returned.
-We tried to get caught up on everything and tried to recover from the very busy break:)
-We were able to spend my birthday in Bali. We have decided that this is a great time to have a much needed break with just the family before the busyness really began :) We had a wonderful time!
- Bali was a great bday gift that kept on giving! After a quick trip to Singapore for medical things (a few days after Bali), I found out I had dengue. I had never felt so bad in my life. Amazing what a little mosquito can do to a person. Even after nearly 9 weeks, my body is still feeling some of the lasting effects of this illness.  I still get very tired after 5 pm every evening. Especially after a full days work. I've had some people say this can last up to 18 months! Yuck! I didn't believe them, but I do now...
-This month whizzed by! BAIS had their annual Week Without Walls. This is where the students leave the "walls" of BAIS and go out into the community for service projects and ministry. The group that we led went to the same local Kampung school behind our old development. We were able to paint a mural, have health checks done, donate a water tank, and build relationships here at this school. Our group of students did a great job. They came away realizing how blessed we are. They were able to experience manual work (remember, our group of students tend to have everything handed to them). They also were able to show God's love to elementary children who attended this local school. We were able to do so much during WWW because of your prayers and your donations.
- Right after WWW spring break began!!!
-God had other plans... The day before we were to go with some friends to a local beach about 6 hours away (called Ocean Queen), Kadin broke his arm and had to have surgery. Many of you prayed for him during this time and continue to pray for him. This had been a major life change and adjustment for us all. There have been many life lessons learned and I'm sure there will be many more to come from this accident. HE has been faithful through it all. PtL! Continued prayers are needed. Kadin is in Pt and had another surgery in 12-18 mths to remove the plate and screws.
-We had a wonderful Easter with our BAIS family. We celebrated His resurrection here at the school. We also had activities for the children and a potluck on this day. We are so blessed!
-We moved into a new home in a different development. The prices of housing continue to increase. Our previous landlord went up too much for the size of the home we were previously renting. For the price she was asking, we found a home in a different development that is bigger and fits our families needs better. We were saddened to leave Jingga, but are excited to make new friends and build different relationships. Our friends in Jingga are forever our friends! The relationships we built there will continue to remain strong! PtL Be praying that we can be a light now in Naganingrum (Naga) :)
- Good News Club ended well. We are already talking and praying about next year.
- Jace turned 7! We had our first bbq at our new house. Lots of friends came to celebrate with us.  It was fun!
- I took on a teaching position that was offered by BAIS for next year. I will be teaching the preschool morning class. I will have no more than 10 three and four year olds:) I'm looking forward to this neat opportunity!
- May is crazy here! So many things going on. Be praying that the year ends well and that we continue strong for His glory!
-June 4th will be here before we know it! This will be our last day of school! Then summer break. The plans are to go on a road trip to Sumatra (island next to us). We will blog about that later;)
Hopefully we will be able to be more consistent with posts once summer begins! Pictures will be posted soon for each month. Thanks for your prayers and support! We miss you all, but we know that this is where we are to be during this season of our lives. Email or call anytime. If you ever want to come visit a tropical island, you always have a place to stay! In His Love, mekj

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