Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Okay.  It's been an amazing time!  It's such a surreal experience to go into a school where we open the day with prayer, pray at lunch, pray for each other, and pray for the school.  It's so cool to think that this is a possibility now- to be able to express my faith AND teach at the same place.  Now I know that  I could have done this at a "Christian" school in America, but we're in a country that is basically closed to missionaries.  It's amazing to think how BAIS has been given government permission to run a Christian school here in Indonesia!  God is so good, and I am humbled to be a part of this work.

About thirty minutes ago, we got back from a dessert and prayer meeting for our school.  We prayed for each class individually.  It was cool!  And we need it.  Thank you all so much for your prayers.  It is becoming more apparent how important it is to pray.  I mean we have known that coming here, but now we REALLY know it.  There is so much that can go wrong here in the physical world, let alone the spiritual realm that we so often don't even think about. (often because we don't want to think about it...)  So Erin and I are trying to pray more diligently for our boys, our actual house, our family, etc.  We have been praying that God would open our eyes to our need and that the Spirit would make us more aware of the spiritual battles around us.

As I was walking to work today and praying, I thought about all the people around me and the fact that many have probably never heard the Gospel.  There is such a need for the Truth here, and at times Erin and I have been frustrated, because we cannot communicate that Truth because of the language barrier.  It's neat, however, to think of the opportunities we will have to speak the Truth at school!

I need to wrap this up, since I have work to do.  But please know how much we appreciate your prayers.  Thanks too for the financial support!  We really need a team of supporters behind us, and although we cannot see you personally now, please know you are part of an important outreach!  God bless you and good night- or morning- as the case may be!  -mekj

Oh yeah, one more thing- the Pictures and Comments from Indonesia page-
I want to figure out a way to share pictures with you all, without using the main blog page.  So we did the picture page, but it always puts the most recent pictures at the bottom of the page.  We are up to 40 pictures now, so I realize there's a lot of scrolling to see the new ones.  I will try to figure out if there's a more convenient way to share the picts, but in the meantime I wanted to point out that you can actually click on the pictures to see them in a larger format.  Then ALL the pictures are shown below as thumbnails (small pictures).  You can scroll horizontally to see them and this may be easier to find the newest ones.  The pictures won't have comments on them, as they do on the actual page, but you can always go back to see the comments.  Just a thought.... night!

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