Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Past Fourth!

Hello everyone! PFO is almost over. This is a mixed blessing. We are all exhausted from the lessons, interaction, and late nights. It has been a great blessing being here and making connections. Even Kadin and Jace have made some good friends, and we are so happy about that! With the closing of PFO we have only about 4 weeks left in the States. We are praying for sweet times of fellowship with our family and friends as we wrap up our time together. It's kinda sad to think that we will be saying goodbye to Mom and Dad so soon.

Last night we participated in the PFO's "Almost Talent Show." Our team from Bandung decided to do a spoof on some of the things we have learned at PFO this week. We set ourselves up as a redneck family. If you know me, you know this idea was perfect for me! ( our days of living on the ranch or out in NM were a good pool of stories....) What was neat was watching how Jace and Kadin did onstage. They were absolutely precious! Needless to say, the skit was a hit! It was a ton of fun! Then after the show, we all went outside to the parking lot to watch the fireworks from Snowden Park. The kids loved it. The show was fun, and it was neat to watch Kadin and Jace interact with their friends. This evening, the boys will be part of their own children's program, and we are excited to see it. Kadin and Jace have begun to sing snippets of their songs, and wonder what the whole program looks like.

One last thought- how do you pray? I have been trying to start a bible study on prayer (it's by Timothy Keller) and he cites Jack Miller and the idea of "maintenance prayer vs. "frontline" prayer. Maintenance prayer is inwardly focused, short, and done without much thought (or heart) - it reminds me of the prayer we do sometimes with the boys right before bed. We are all tired, and we pray mechanically, sometimes without thinking much about what we are actually praying for or about. Contrast that with frontline prayer, which seeks to humble yourself, become aware of sin, and concerns itself with seeing/yearning for the Lord to reveal his glory. I know I am not saying it as well as Keller, but I just wanted to share how God has convicted me lately.

Okay, here's the last paragraph, I promise.... We just got our mail from PFO, and there are some returned prayer and donation cards. We have gotten a notice of a few of these, but some are new. So if we have not sent out thank you to you personally, please know we will be working on those in the next few days. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and thanks for your continued prayers and support. God bless! -mekj

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