Monday, June 18, 2012

Visa News

Greetings from Corinth, Texas!  We went to ABC in the morning, and then traveled to Corinth Sunday afternoon.  As we headed toward Coleman, we could see dark clouds on the horizon.  We figured the storm would miss us, but by the time we reached Cross Plains, it had started to rain.   By the time we reached the interstate, it was pouring!  A few miles later, we thought there was an accident ahead- all the cars were slowing down, and it looked like the right hand lane was completely stopped.  It turned out that everyone was slowing down because you couldn't see ahead because the rain was coming down so heavily.  We slowed to about 20 miles per hour and trudged along.  The downpour was one of the worst I have driven in.  (the worst was probably in Florida, a few years back when my brother Marty and I actually had to pull over and wait the storm out.)  Luckily, we had Rain-X on the windshield! It allowed us to keep on driving as the water rolled off the glass clearly. (I highly recommend it.)  God was gracious- we made it through. 

Now for the real news- On the 14th, we received our Telex Visa!  This means the long-awaited visa process could be started.  On  Saturday, we completed the paperwork.  Pete, the director, was helpful in answering questions, and the school sent examples of how to fill out all the blanks.  Hopefully, we did it all right! The consulate in Houston should get the paperwork by Tuesday.  It will take some time for the processing, but eventually we should get our passports and visas back in a few weeks! Pray for a glitch free processing and return- we did the best we could filling out the paperwork in duplicates, but since it was our first time, I am a little fearful of having done something wrong or having left something out. God's just teaching me not to worry!  Duh!

Our family is getting excited about our next trip- to PFO (prefield orientation). We will head for Mississippi June 23.  The summer is flying by, and it has been great to see family.  We have all talked about how we miss our friends and home in NM.  Sundays seem to be the most difficult, since we are reminded of where we used to be as we worship with others.  But we can see how traveling this summer is one way God is preparing us for the final goodbye in August.  Thanks for your prayers and support.  We hope everyone is having as much fun as we are!  God bless! -mekj

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