Monday, November 21, 2011

More progress

I just wanted to let everyone know that we will be going under ABC as a nonprofit.  This is another answer to prayer. We thank God for his provision. We still have paperwork to finalize, but the folks at ABC have graciously decided to help us in this regard. The goal will be to become an independent organization within two years.  The next steps will be deciding on our name and more importantly, putting a board of directors together.  Pray for us as we seek out members willing to serve in that capacity.  Pray too as we continue to finalize the location.  I have always planned on having the camp in Thoreau, but the gym at Crownpoint is a great location as well.  There is also a gym at St.  Bon, so we are praying for guidance in where exactly we should have the camp. 

In other news, I wanted to let everyone know that Mrs. Soltero is doing fine.  She will be back home on Tuesday, Lord willing.

A couple of prayer requests-
1. CEF - continue to keep the club in your prayers.  There are still only a few kids showing up, and it would be great to see more kids there.  Pray too for workers.  Erin and the ladies can always use more help! 
2. The St. Bon dinner. On December 3rd, the big community dinner will take place.  It's our hope that this can be a chance to share the Gospel and work with others. 

Thank you for your prayers! Have a great Thanksgiving!  God bless! 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mrs. Soltero

We just received word from Mrs. Soltero- the surgery went well.  The tumor has been successfully removed, and it appears that there was no damage or spreading to any organs.  This is an amazing answer to prayer!  Everyone here is just praising God for this blessing!  Continue to keep her in your prayers.  The dangerous surgery is over, and now she can focus on recovery. Thanks for all your prayers. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mrs. Soltero

Just wanted to post to let everyone know when specifically to pray for Mrs. Soltero. She is in California and ready for surgery. She goes in tomorrow at 8am for preop and a procedure to cut the blood flow off to the tumor. It will be a very delicate procedure. Her "main" surgery will be done on Thursday at 7:30am. She covets your prayers!

Friday, November 4, 2011

One step forward, and a few back

<p>Please pray for the CEF club.&#160; Today they had just two kids-one of which was Kadin.&nbsp; It certainly feels like the club is under attack.  Last year the club had about 15-17 kids; the ladies teaching grew tremendously, and everyone was excited to start the new year.  Plans were made to attempt to have two clubs in the area-at the elementary and at Baca. It appeared that another church had about four ladies interested in participating and helping out this year.  After missing the first training session, it was agreed they would go to the upcoming training this weekend. Well, sadly they are unable to go or commit to helping with CEF.  Erin was hoping that after the training, the ladies could help with the teaching rotations in December.  (for insurance reasons, workers must be trained before teaching) So, plans will need to be adjusted.  Erin is looking for more workers willing to commit to the necessary training and club days. Today she lost about five potential workers she had been counting on. It is difficult to get Christians to commit nowadays, and Erin is a little discouraged. It is a time of trusting that God is still in control and we just need to be faithful to the call. So pray for the club. Praise God for the ladies (Esther, Carol, Gina, Norma, Gail) that have stepped up consistently to help, and pray as we are, for more faithful workers. Jesus was right- the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. This begs the question-how faithful are we all being to the calling God has given us?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Progress at last!

Well, it is official.  Rory called the other day and confirmed that the dates of July 9 - 13 will work for him.  So now we have three coaches lined up.  Now to find the rest! I also got an email from a friend I had asked about being on the board.  He is still praying about that decision.  Jim Stanley emailed and gave me a couple of questions to answer, and he will take my response to the elder meeting this Thursday.  I will now contact the principal at the high school to make sure we can use the gym for that specific week in July.  Then I will see about getting a house reserved for the camp staff.  (they will stay at the church, the UIM houses next to Crosslands, or at church members' homes, or a combination of each)  So it looks like a big question has been settled and now we just continue to make more detailed preparations. Pray for us as we continue to seek God's leading in putting the pieces together to get this camp going.  I would really like to have more local coaches as well (maybe some UNM Lobo players?), but I don't know of any leads in that direction just yet.  God will provide what we need, we just need to be faithful to His leading.  Good night, and God bless!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pray for CEF

Erin is going to BACA tomorrow to see if a meeting can be set up to discuss starting the CEF club at the school.  The school has not returned phone calls or emails concerning this request, so Erin is going personally to see if progress can be made.  It appears there is some resistance coming from somewhere, and wisdom is needed to see how to proceed at this point. Pray for Erin as she tries to set up that meeting tomorrow.  Mrs. Soltero will have surgery on the 10th, so keep her in your prayers too please.  The club at the elementary school has had a low turnout lately and it would be nice to see more kids come to the club.  On the other hand, the smaller group allows for more individual attention, so there is a positive to a smaller group as well.  The ladies teaching the club are doing more, so that is an answer to prayer.  The ladies from the Baptist church are traveling to Albuquerque this weekend for training, please pray for their safety.

Concerning camp, it feels like we are still in the hurry up and wait mode as we await word from others.  I will let everyone know the latest when I find out more info.  I am still working with the three coaches to plan the best dates for the camp.  We are still praying for more coaches, so thanks for your continued prayers as well!  I have talked to the UIM folks that rent out the houses next to Crosslands, and will reserve a place for camp staff as soon as I can finalize a date. It will be this week, Lord willing, as we need to move on to other planning phases. 

That's the latest for now.  Hopefully in the next few days I will have some more substantial news (and progress) to report!  Thanks for your prayers!