Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer is over

It's official, summer is over.   I had my first day of work at Crownpoint today, and it was good.  I still have some things to sort through and set up, but I will be ready for the kiddos on Monday.  I say kids, cause I found out last week I will be teaching 6th grade language arts as well as two 6th grade remedial classes.  The students are just 11-13years old!  It will be fun!  While at the school the other day,  I met the science teacher and found out that her husband is the pastor of the local Reformed Church, so I said we would have to check out their service sometime.  It is nice to know there are fellow Christians on staff.

In camp news, I am sorting through goals and timelines in order to make a workable schedule to go by.  I am also revamping my vision/mission statement so that it is more like a business plan. (not that I know what that would look like!)  Angelo Bible Church is prayerfully considering taking us on as a missionary.  They would not help so much financially as much as they would allow us to fall under their 501c3 status.  This would give us more time to focus on the camp aspect and not getting together bylaws and other requirements necessary to be an independent nonprofit.  We are still praying about which direction to go with the nonprofit stuff, so please continue to pray for us.  Either way, we would still form a board to be under, so pray for us as we seek out folks willing to serve in that capacity.  The goal is to get the board and nonprofit stuff settled in the next few weeks. 

Tomorrow is another movie night at St. Bon.  We will be showing a couple of Veggie Tales.  (if we don't get rained out!)  Pray that the kids would not just enjoy the shows, but that lives would be touched by the truth of the Gospel.

The drive to Crownpoint is pretty, but not something I want to do all year.  We are lowering the price of the house again in the hopes of getting more interest and a sale.  I found out today that there are no teacher homes available in Crownpoint, so we would have to live in Thoreau or the trailer park in Crownpoint. So that's kind of an answer to prayer!  We have one less option to consider once the house does sell! ;-)

That's it for now.  Pray for me as I learn my new job and balance it with my greater desire for ministry.  Pray for Erin too, as she will be starting school with Kadin next week as well.  God bless!

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