Hello all! I am trying to figure out the best way to keep up a blog and remain faithful to my other responsibilities. For now I will try to post an update at least once a week. So here's the latest--
CEF-pray for the school board at Baca. They are hesitant to allow the club access to the school. The next meeting is in August, and a decision will need to be made. Erin feels it would not be right to force the school to allow the club, so we are praying that God will work through the board members and allow the club to proceed. Just because we can do something legally for Christ does not mean it's the best move to make- especially in a small community. So we need prayers lifted up for the final go-ahead.
CAMP- our family went to Angel Fire this past week and we got to talk to my family about camp stuff. After talking with my family, one thing became clear- we should focus on running with the original idea. We will have a basketball camp for one week in the summer- a skills camp for the older youth in the area. The tentative date will be July 9th- 13th. I say tentative because I have not talked to my former principal yet, and with school starting I will not talk with her until after the first week of school. Making an actual decision and date is an answer to prayer. Things may still change some, but the overall camp will not. Although the camp will be focused on skills, I plan on incorporating much of what I saw at T Bar M. They do a sports camp for younger kids, and we will follow that model closely. As I type out these ideas and plans, I am aware of James 4:13-17. I need to make plans (doing the good I know is needed), but ultimately this is all dependant upon God's will and timing.
We still have much to do- from deciding on nonprofit stuff to finding board members. (Not to mention making actual plans!) So pray for us. We don't want to rush off ahead of our Lord, but we also must start trusting that He is guiding specific decisions we must make. Thank God that He is sovereign!
COMMUNITY DINNER- December 3rd. Those of you that have been on the email list long enough may remember this one.... Last year St. Bon was unable to put on their annual Christmas dinner. We tried to see if all the churches could work together to put on a dinner at St. Bon, but things just did not work out. Well this year Erin has already been asked to help plan the dinner. The date has been set, and now Erin is beginning the process of contacting churches to see who is willing to help. Pray that all the details work out in such a way as to make this a community dinner that shows how churches want to share not only God's word but His blessings as well. Pray for Erin to not feel overwhelmed as she and the secretary from St. Bon (Cindy is her name) plan the event. If any of you would like to help, just let us know:)
Lastly, I wanted to share something God graciously reminded me of- Blessings. As we traveled back from Texas a few weeks ago, a rock hit our windshield. (It was the second time- I stopped to fix a chip in the windshield on the way to Texas.) Our immediate reaction was anger, but then both Erin and I started thinking. We were excited to see what a chipped windshield would reveal about God's plan. Erin called the insurance company to set up a time to get it fixed. The man comes out to our house and fixes our windshield. He notices my old 47 Jeep. Long story short, my jeep gets sold for the asking price because we got a rock in our windshield. I have been trying to sell it all summer, and God used a rock to do what I couldn't! Isn't God cool?