Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year, new attempt!

It's been too long, right? I have never been big on New Year's resolutions. Mainly because I used to make them and then promptly fail a few weeks later. So this is not a new resolution, but it is an attempt to at least give a brief update and throw out a few pictures...

So here goes-- 

Grace- (the last post already mentioned this, but a picture provides a more vivid view-)

While this did not seem like God's love at the time, we can now look back and see how He not only used the incident, but miraculously provided for all of our needs during this scary time. Everything went smoothly- from the operation, to the removal of the plates in October. Kadin has full use of his arm, and a story of God working in and through his life.


August 2015
December 2015
It is amazing to see the changes that come in just a few months. Both boys are no longer just boys- they are young men. The other day, Jace went to the store by himself, picked up drinks for his brother and grandfather, paid at the counter and met Mom at the door. Kadin too is able to do so much on his own. He will be a mid-schooler in just a few more months!! 

Erin and I have grown too. Erin is teaching pre-K 3/4, and I continue with English classes. I have never been stretched so much as I teach the students here at BAIS. Every year is a new challenge, and each week gives us both opportunities to not simply teach, but to minister to the needs of the students and families we work with. While we do miss home- especially around times like now- yet we know this is where God has us (we just signed another 2 year contract), and we can see how he is using not just Erin and I, but also Jace and Kadin to reach those that don't know Him. 

This is part of what makes us feel sorry for our friends and family back in the States- the kids are growing up, and they don't get to see their cousins or grandparents nearly enough. But we have close family here as well, so again, we see God's provision and grace. 

Sumatra summer road trip- Bengkulu

Our family here consists of three other Indonesian families, and this past summer, we traveled about 2000km through the southwestern part of Sumatra. It was an amazing, and at times terrifying trip. (the road conditions there give a new meaning to the term potholes and crazy driving...)

Through it all, we were able to enjoy time as one big extended family. The boys still talk about the trip, and even want to go back! As the driver, I am not sure if I want to do that again, but it was fun taking a low clearance vehicle on roads that looked like Colorado Jeep trails at times! One section of 18km road took over two hours to drive- not because of traffic, but because of the road being so bad. It takes a different outlook to drive there- the amazing thing is not the potholes or twisted roads- it's that a road was once put there in the first place!

Gosh- 20 years of marriage!

How do you take a selfie again?!?

This past August, Erin and I celebrated 20 years together! We went away to Singapore for a few days and had a great time. It was the first time we had been without kids in over 4 years. It was so much fun to just hang out and enjoy our friendship. God has been good to us over these years, and we have been blessed beyond what we could have imagined. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

How can I possibly update in one blog post, what has been going on over the last 9 months?!? There has been so much that has happened, and there are so many stories and evidences of God working among and through us this past year. It has very little to do with us, and everything to do with Him. We would love to tell you more, and I hope that this year we can be a little more diligent about keeping in touch and posting. As always, please feel free to call us, or email us anytime. We would love to chat with you and let you know more details. 

A few final thoughts-
Over this break, I was reading through the book of Colossians. I was struck by a verse in chapter 4:12- 

Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ Jesus, greets you, always struggling on your behalf in his prayers, that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God.

I want to encourage myself and you to not just remember each other in prayer, but to struggle on behalf of others in prayer as well. What an amazing thought! I don't pretend to know exactly how that looks or works. In fact, I would like to do a study on prayer to learn more. But I do know that prayer is so very essential in our work as servants of Him. Please continue to lift us up- the staffing needs of the school in the upcoming year, open doors and hearts for ministering the Truth inside and outside of school, safety both here and as we travel (We just bought our tickets- we will be in America this summer Lord willing!), wisdom in counseling/advising those that come to me for help beyond English questions, deeper relationships with our friends here, for the boys and us- as they grow and we guide them as God desires.
Thank you for your support- financially and through prayer. We are here because of your faithfulness there. May your new year be one that richly reflects the Glory of the King.